Saturday, March 24, 2012

Exams, Round 2...So It Begins

Pathology got our second round of exams started with a bang. Questions about pelicans, thrombi, and various types of exudate abounded. I think it went fine overall, although I will admit that I misread the first question and answered it mostly incorrectly. I'll chalk that one up to Leathers-induced test anxiety. As well as not following Leathers' own instructions to read each question, stop, breathe, and then begin.  Needless to say, I'm sure he'll be doubly disappointed.

What's up next? Large Animal Anatomy, which is going to be a killer. We have to know the osteology, musculature, vasculature, and innervation to both the front AND hind limbs of the horse AND the cow. Joy. 

In other news, Hazel The Ever-Sneezing Rabbit has a checkup next Thursday for a C&S test and nasal culture. She just finished her 4 week course of TMS (.44 ml bid). I'm not sure who's more pleased that that ordeal's over; I have now devised approximately 12.7 ways to deliver oral meds to a rabbit. Did the sheer number of craisins she ingested with each dose give her diabetes? Possibly. Did I occasionally have to douse her head and ears to clean off the misdirected antibiotics? Definitely. But I've got to hand it to her; Hazel definitely has her moments, but overall she took her meds like a champ. I would too, though, if I was chasing down pre-sweetened, grape-flavored liquid with the bunny equivalent to crack cocaine. Nevertheless, I appreciated it.

I'm signed up to go to "lambing school" in early April, which should be very exciting and a nice change of pace. It's taught by a veterinarian, who also happens to own the sheep farm we're going to. You spend the day learning about lambing, then get hands on experience with it! I don't have any sheep experience, so I think it'll be really interesting.  Plus, who can resist those little bleating bundles of newborn fluff? The best way to welcome Spring, in my opinion.

Happy Friday, all!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

"Spring Break"

Yes, Spring Break is in quotes intentionally. Why? 

One, because it's not truly Spring. It has been alternately snowy and rainy this whole week. Not exactly what I had in mind for my vacation.

Two, I haven't had a damn Break at all. It's been work, work, work non-stop! I have been milking dairy goats, cashiering at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, assisting in Ophthalmology, and writing an article for the Veterinary Wound Management Society. Have I been able to study? No. Have I even been able to shower daily? No. I guess I truly am becoming a real vet student.

And really, I shouldn't whine. It's great that I can work so many hours this week; I can definitely use the money. And how can waking up early be a bad thing when you're greeted by this?

I am looking forward to Friday though; I definitely need to get going on studying for Large Animal Anatomy. I'm behind, and need to catch up quickly. There's also an upcoming Pathology exam to study for, too. And who doesn't love caseous pus and and endless list of "itis"-es?

I know this post is a short one, but I have to be up early again tomorrow. On the bright side, we have some surgeries in Ophtho tomorrow! Removing a mass on the upper eyelid of a dog using a CO2 laser, and a possible enucleation!

Happy (almost) Friday, everyone!